Once Bitten. Twice Shy.

Beautiful, wondrous, luscious locks!
It can be a bit of a struggle to get it right sometimes. 

I must admit, I treat my hair like an additional limb! If I would just struggle to survive. Its an impossible feeling to put so much into something, that in fact, means very little in the grand scheme of things. I just can't quite explain the boost it gives me. Not only does it act as an armour of confidence, but will assist when I'm after a feminine feel, or the when swish and flick of barrel curls gives the glamour I'm after.

Having had my locks lopped off many a time(!!!), I have since lost my trust in hairdressers and taken to trimming my own hair. Probably perfectly suited to me since, mum to my mum's annoyance, I've been pretty handy with scissors since I was a kid. Voilà!
And from the shots above, I doubt you would have ever guessed.
Check out some of my favourite hair products below.

TheOrdinary Argan Oil - as an After Wash Treatment 
Coconut Oil - as a Weekly Hair Mask 
VO5 Heat Protector - for Heat Protection

Anyone after a haircut?!
Tan xx



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