H&M - White Jeans Oasis - Khaki Tee Warehouse - Leather Jacket H&M - Clutch Converse To no surprise I have found myself living in all things monochrome, which by now you will know is pretty typical of me. If it’s not monochrome, it’s a trusty pair of jeans. More recently this wonderful white pair. Spring is now
Sunday Polish - Mint
Sunday Polish - Mint
Barry M - Mint Pulling out an oldie from last spring. Its back to pretty pastels as the season calls for it. This colour isn't for everyone I know, and for a long while I didn't think it was for me either but I have grown to love it. A very translucent creme consistency this needs a few
Insta Recents
Insta Recents
I was out enjoying London's recent spell of good weather this weekend, and you can keep up to date with the daily activities on Insta or Snapchat @tani911 Those of you already flowing will know that I am an utter Insta-addict! Probably my most used app, and I know that those of you following regularly it the blog
Barefoot Wonderer
Barefoot Wonderer
Crop - Primark Trousers - Vintage Shoes are a funny thing for me because although I do absolutely love them, I hate wearing them just as much! If I had my way I would have a shoe wall for admiration purposes only. Sadly walking around barefoot is not an option in London so I made good use of
Sunday Polish - Daisy Chains
Sunday Polish - Daisy Chains
Essie - Blanc Sephora - Yellow Umbrella Seche Vite - Fast Dry Top Coat Spring is one of my favourite times of year, not only because I'm a spring baby, but after the cold wintery weather theres nothing quite like sunny days and blossoming flowers. As children we had so much fun playing the the grass, rolling around
Throw & Go
Throw & Go
Jeans - H&M Loafers - TK Maxx Top - Vintage Coat - Forever 21 Scraf - H&M Keeping things short & sweet this week, checking in to say 'Hi Guys!' We all have those days, (or weeks in this case) where you seem to have absolutely no time to do anything, let alone choose what to wear. This
Sunday Polish - Candy Crush
Sunday Polish - Candy Crush
Essie - Again?! Essie - Orange it's Obvious! Barry M - Mint Sephora - Yellow Umbrella Essie - Forget me nots Nails to hit the sweet spot!! In keeping with the easter feel, I thought I would sweet things up with a colourful, fun manicure. Giving off the perfect spring feel, this one is very bright but super easy as
Back in Black
Back in Black
Time to change things up a little with an evening look, and it's back to black for me. Following from last weeks post "buy less, choose well" I've vowed to only buy things if I am so absolutely in love with the item that I can't live without it. For that reason, when it was time to get
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Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Tanushri Gukhool and Street & Rail with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
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